
Royal Apartments - Apartament Brylantowy

Vacation apartment / Apartments

  • 1 Holiday home

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Gdynia-Orlowo 4,62km
Folwark Redlowo 6,44km
Gdansk Uniemin 6,45km
Railway station
Gdánsk 11km
Kleschkau 27km
S6 Gdánsk 12km
A1 Gdasnk 24km
City Center
Zoppot 244m
Sopot 247m
Ostsee 930m
Wladysawowo 41km


Price on request

Royal Apartments - Apartament Brylantowy contact


  • ul Gen Kazimierza Pułaskiego 10
  • 81-760 Sopot
  • 60 310 84 32
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